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The Drama-free Drama Coach...
Personal Greatness Guru
Workshops & Seminars
Live On Purpose |Balance & Bliss |Get Unstuck... Overcoming Adversity |
Turning Passion Into Profit | Shine Time... For Sisters Only
Live On Purpose
· Get clarity about your life's purpose
· Create a purpose driven lifestyle
· Define and accelerate your intentions, motivations and actions
· Develop life strategies that help you exceed expectations
Balance and Bliss
· Practical Strategies to increase your happy
· Develop yourself as a strong leader
· Learning to manage things personally and professionally
· Get more done in less time with less stress
Get Unstuck…Overcoming Adversity
· Learn to restructure past experiences to be empowered
· Actively give yourself permission to move forward
· Learn to encourage yourself and build your esteem with practical exercises
· Discover the power of living in the NOW
Turning Passion into Profit
· Discover your biggest dreams and desires for yourself
· Create ways to turn your dreams into revenue
· Make and achieve actionable goals for practical results
· Commit yourself to changing your life and making your passion your profit!
Shine Time…for Sisters Only
· Develop a Personal Identity Statement
· Actively list and own your strengths and challenges
· Learn to FLY…First Love Yourself Unconditionally
· Use this newfound awareness to SHINE without apology and courage
WOMALUTION...this comprehensive program offers divine solutions that support the evolution of a woman into who she is destined to become. It includes on-line videos with transformational content, live events, and group-mentored support.